Creating the Space

It takes some planning and lots of patience to create a space that is both inviting and functional. As a person that lives and works in the same space it must work for both purposes. I believe I have it now. I added photos to my website so you can see it now, too. I hope you share positive feedback about my reiki space.

Reiki on myself has been super effective to get me moving. I gave myself a reiki treatment several days in a row and I am really feeling the flow of energy through my body, mind and Spirit now. I have so much inspiration and ideas are flowing like they haven’t in a long time! Perhaps it has something to do with the huge solar flares lately as well, as that is huge energy popping into the universe and rippling out to us all.

Have you felt a surge of energy lately? Is it the new year excitement? Please let me know in the comments. Love and Light to all.

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